Registration Information

Registration will officially open on April 1, 2025. Rates and options are listed below:

Registration Fees


Enhanced Education Member

Core Education

Student Member Non Member
Early Rates (April 1 - April 30)        
Full Conference Pass  $419 $499 $409 $599
Weekend Pass $249 $299 $229 $349
Virtual Pass $329 $329 $329 $429
Advanced Rates (May 1- July 15)        
Full Conference Pass  $465 $525 $449 $649
Weekend Pass $279 $329 $249 $379
Virtual Pass $329 $329 $329 $429
Standard Rates (July 16 - Sept 26)        
Full Conference Pass $519 $599 $469 $699
Weekend Pass $329 $349 $339 $429
Virtual Pass $329 $329 $329 $429
Special Rates        
Exhibit Hall Only $75 $75 $75 $99
Group Rate for Organizations 5+ $25 off
each registration


Full Conference Pass includes a welcome packet at check-in, breakfast, admittance to workshops, the keynotes, the welcome reception, exhibit hall, digital poster sessions, virtual program on-demand library, and the event mobile app. Please note: To qualify for the student rate you must be an NSH Student member. 

Weekend Pass includes a welcome packet at check-in, breakfast, admittance to workshops, 2 keynotes, the welcome reception, exhibit hall, digital poster sessions, and the event's mobile app on Saturday & Sunday.

Virtual Pass includes access to virtual program live-streamed sessions on Monday & Tuesday, the virtual program on-demand library (which includes 3 recorded general sessions) for 14 days, and the digital poster gallery.

Group Rates

To qualify for group rate pricing you must register your entire group at the same time.  You cannot add to the group after registration is complete. Individuals that receive the group rate must also come from the same organization/company.

Guest Passes

Full Conference Pass attendees can register up to 1 guest for a fee of $129.00. Guest badges will provide access to the vendor expo, continental breakfast, and the Saturday evening Welcome Reception. Guests are not permitted into workshops or general sessions.  Guests must be at least 18 years of age. Guest Passes are nonrefundable.


Exhibit Hall Only Passes

The Exhibit Hall is open to qualified individuals in histology and pathology for a fee of $75 for NSH members and $99 for non-members. Local technologists and pathologists unable to attend the convention are welcome to visit the exhibits anytime during scheduled hours with an Exhibit Hall Only pass. Exhibit Hall Only passes solely include access to the exhibit hall for all days the hall is open to attendees. It does not include access to any networking events, workshops, breakfasts, convention swag, or general sessions. Unqualified family members of registered attendees & booth attendants are not permitted on the show floor.  All registrants, including Exhibit Hall Only Passes, must be 18 years of age. Exhibit Hall Only passes are nonrefundable. Exhibit Hall Only passes are available for purchase starting August 1. 

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